Fenstanton Primary School will work with everyone to create a happy, safe, nurturing and stimulating setting where children are motivated to learn together. By maintaining high expectations of ourselves and each other, our children will be equipped to encounter opportunities and challenges with resilience and determination. We encourage a curiosity about the world and strive to ensure that our children will contribute positively to it, both now and in the future.
Academic achievement is only part of the vision for this school. We provide many opportunities for pupils to practice in developing their speaking and listening skills through whole school termly assemblies, enrichment activities. The school is characterised by its varied, creative and challenging curriculum- based on real, enquiry-based learning.
An important and distinctive feature of our school is the very positive relationships enjoyed by pupils, staff and parents. A central aim of our school is to provide a rich and supportive, child-centred learning environment, which is age appropriate for the needs of all our pupils. In this we recognise that some pupils experience personal challenges and are vulnerable. We make it our mission to support these pupils by providing them with therapeutic interventions for emotional support as well as ensuring the curriculum is based on consistent, child-centred, quality teaching and learning throughout the school.
Fenstanton Primary School is an inclusive school, intent on ensuring that all pupils reach their potential in a culture of success. As a team, we are passionate about preparing our pupils to be successful adults in an ever-changing, technologically advanced society. We encourage our pupils to aim high. We value their individuality and creativity, and equip them with the skills, self-discipline and confidence to succeed. Where there are barriers, we pride ourselves on embracing different approaches and seizing new opportunities to ensure high-quality learning.
Our whole school curriculum is underpinned by these 6 principles:
The Fenstanton Primary School curriculum consists of : the National Curriculum core and foundation subjects, taught through a contextual, creative thematic topic-based approach. We aim to provide a set of learning experiences that prepare children for the next stage of their education and that helps children achieve their full potential and develop into intelligent, creative thinkers with a thirst for lifelong learning.
The curriculum is based on good quality resources. English is taught through quality whole class texts, and Maths is taught through White Rose scheme to develop problem solving and fluency. The rest of the curriculum is delivered through a new topic-based approach, where enquiry-based learning features highly and every half-term and lesson are built around a key question.
The school has adapted a new contextual topic-based approach to help reflect and represent the diversity of our pupils. Creativity and teacher expertise is woven into the curriculum with specialist teachers and outside agencies working with pupils and teachers, sharing good practice and ensuring that learners learn from the best.
Each subject area has a subject intent, whole school policy, and an annual action plan which outlines development opportunities and clearly links with the school development plan.
The impact of the curriculum is monitored though triangulation of outcomes: pupil voice, test/data outcomes, planning, monitoring of books and displays, lesson learning walks, discussions with teaching staff, pupils and parents.
Pupils, parents and staff are consistently and regularly consulted about the curriculum and the impact that it makes.
The desired outcomes of the curriculum will ensure that pupils are well rounded students, ready to embark on high school education. They will be equipped with the foundations and skills to achieve success in later education. Pupils will have an understanding of what they are good at and have developed skills to face their challenges.